Here is the original recipe from

1 cup water
1/4 cup olive oil
1 cup dry white wine
A generous pinch of dried red pepper flakes
4 Italian sausages, sweet or hot
handful of grape tomatoes or cherry tomatoes
Start by cutting the cabbage into halves and remove the core. Then slice the cabbage into thin strips. Place them on the pan or skillet. To cook, add oil, water, wine and season it with salt & pepper. If you want it spicy then you can add red pepper flakes as well. Cover over medium heat.
While that’s happening, Pour olive oil on a pan and brown the sausages on all sides. Cut the tomatoes in half then cook them in the sausage oil. After browning the sausage and lightly cooking the tomatoes add them both and the rest of the content to where the cabbage is. Cover it up and cook it until the sausage are cooked thoroughly. The cabbage should be soft. The whole process should take about 20 minutes. bon appetit!
Skillet? The dish in the picture looked the same shape as my dish but I heard it crack slightly on the heat so I had to cover the dish and cook it in the oven. I'll try it again one day using a frying pan!
Laura and Dave came round as Dave is going to fix our roof. We kept the kids entertained in the garden for a little while. Not sure how Callum didn't fall in the pond the way he was leaning over trying to feed the fish, but somehow he managed to stay dry.
We ate our dinner, finished the white wine, and watched The Time Machine. The Guy Pearce version. Shame the Sky+ kept sticking on the playback. As I was watching it, I couldn't remember it but I must have seen it before.
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