We had planned to go kite flying with “The Friends of Kings Wood”. We went up there about midday but there was very little wind and the field was full of intermittent brambles. I would have been worried about tearing most of my kites on these, especially as they would have probably spent most of the time on the floor anyway due to the lack of wind. We abandoned that idea and then went into town. As the card shop was quiet, I stocked up on greeting cards and managed to use the wrong card/pin code and lock my credit card. Something else to sort out. I managed to stay out of the Pound shop. Dave had already been in there to check out what he was looking for. We went into HMV and I found Now 74 for £6. I have been looking at these during the week as Now 75 has now been released and I have not got Now 73 yet. I usually get these through my Sainsburys Nectar points but I worked out that the points needed work out to £15 so although it seems free, I could be putting those points to better use.
When we got home, I did some work on my PC and then cooked dinner. At bowling, my first game was marginally OK but I couldn't get anything right in my second game and only got 91. I finished on 120 average over the 3 games so not my best. Glad it was only a practise.
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