I did a bit of housework and then got out into the garden as soon as I could. I started with breakfast and book by the pond. After breakfast, I dragged the picnic blanket out of the car with my hat, and settled down with iced coffee. I have had a Mythology book for years and decided I would read it from the beginning rather than just use it for reference. I have bravely, or stupidly, offered to do a talk at the astronomy club. I am interested in the mythology behind the stars names so I thought I'd read the book, make notes and then do selective research for a talk. Hopefully I will be able to put something together.
In the afternoon, Dave set up the solar scope. It was good. I soon worked out how to use it. I like the “twizzly” bits. If we ever get a proper telescope, I think I would enjoy it more if it had “twizzly” bits. I think I looked through it more than Dave did. I took some photos. They haven't come out very well. I got one on my phone, and edited and uploaded it on my phone. I have now checked it on line and it is very pink. I probably wouldn't have posted it if I had seen it on the PC first. The sun is not pink but is a beautiful orange. You can also see solar flares of the edges.

We went to Chippy and Sammy's for the evening as it is Emily's 18 month birthday. As well as all of the lovely nibbly bits, Chippy had made a lovely beef stew. There was also profiteroles and apple pie. I took a bottle of wine along and had the last glass at home when we watched Dr Who. I liked Dr Who but I don't think Dave was impressed. That's the last Dr Who until Christmas. I'm still shocked that I've finished a bottle of “real” wine. Lambrini, that I was drinking at Teston, doesn't count.
An observation from Kat... if Dan has been home then the music channel is on when the TV is switched on. If Dave was the last one watching TV then Cartoon Network is on!
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