It seemed that I couldn't get away from football talk today. When I flicked between the two breakfast shows it was football reviews and when I went into the kitchen at work to make a cuppa, more football talk, and even Dave's blog....but possibly for different reasons. I guess it will soon be forgotten.
We didn't do very well at bowling this evening. We lost 8-0. It was close though but we seemed to be playing to the same pace as the other team. If we had got our last game score in one of the first games, we might have got some points. We are now in 4th place. Only 2 points behind 3rd though and we are playing against that team next week.

I've ordered my dress for the conference gala dinner now from Ebay. I got it from the same place as last year and I've emailed them my measurements. Hopefully they will make the necessary adjustments before mailing it so that I don't have to, especially the length. Last year's dress was perfect. I'm a bit concerned that the measurements on this one said 12 L... I wonder if that means “long” and they are unable to shorten it. We'll see.
Pretty dress. Which company did you order it from? Was it on ebay?