Wednesday 16th March 2011

Monday 14th March 2011 - Bowling Fun Night
Another league over, we finished in 2nd place. This evening was our Fun Night. We did have fun but not through the help of the bowling alley. In previous years, we have had a reduced bowling rate, buffet food provided and free game/drink vouchers for “spot” prizes for strikes when a coloured pin is at the front. No such luck this time. I had contacted Toni earlier in the day and she asked for us but the management wouldn't do anything for us. We played 9 pin no-tap, where 9's also count as strikes. Previously we have played a game where we take the best score over the 3 games and add these up. The aim is to a strike in each line. With the better bowlers now in our league, I thought we could see a few people getting 300 games. So we decided to take the total of the 3 scores and add in the handicap on each game, this made it more fair on the less skilled players. If we had played the other way, I later worked out that I would have won as I got an amazing score of 297. The winners for the evening were Frances for the girls and I came second. Stuart for the boys with Jim (Snr) in second place.
Saturday 12th March 2011
I woke up at normal time this morning and decided that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so I read my book for a while. I got up about 9. After shower and breakfast, I got on with some cleaning. I didn't intend to clean the oven. I was only going to clean the outside. I opened the door to clean the top of it and before I could stop myself I was spraying Mr Muscle inside it. I cleaned out another cupboard too. By the time I'd washed all of the parts of the shelf rack a few hours had passed and the oven was ready to clean. I hadn't really thought that it needed doing but it definitely did. The water that I was rinsing the cloth out in was soon treacle coloured. I should try to completely clean the inside of at least one cupboard every weekend. It's hard when I'm out so much.
After Dave had finished the lawn, and we had some lunch, we went shopping. To Lidl's first for a few bits and pieces, then on to Dobbie's Garden Centre. It was still busy over there. They have parking attendants to help keep it running more smoothly.
At Chris's tonight we watched “Doomsday” and “Due Date”. I have no wish to watch either film again, maybe Due Date when it reaches TV. “Doomsday” was much too violent for me and I spent quite a bit of time “watching” from behind the pillow and trying not to listen to the sound. It was good to see Alexander Siddig (Bashir) again though.
After Dave had finished the lawn, and we had some lunch, we went shopping. To Lidl's first for a few bits and pieces, then on to Dobbie's Garden Centre. It was still busy over there. They have parking attendants to help keep it running more smoothly.
At Chris's tonight we watched “Doomsday” and “Due Date”. I have no wish to watch either film again, maybe Due Date when it reaches TV. “Doomsday” was much too violent for me and I spent quite a bit of time “watching” from behind the pillow and trying not to listen to the sound. It was good to see Alexander Siddig (Bashir) again though.
Friday 11th March 2011 - Hospital with Dan

Everyone else went out to play poker at Chippy's, even Dan. I watched “St Trinians 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold. I thought I had seen this one before but now I'm not sure that I had.
Thursday 10th March – Chilston Ice House Talk
I got out of work promptly. I still had to go down to the City Link offices as I didn't have today's despatches ready until 10 minutes after our tame collection driver, Dean, had arrived. I was able to get home and we set off to Chippy's straight away. Dinner was ready almost as soon as we arrived. It was lovely. Meatballs and pasta, and grated cheese with a very cool mini cheese grater. Our destination this evening was a hall in Charing Heath, for 7 o'clock start. The only bit we were interested in was the Chilston Ice House Talk, as we helped with the clearing last year. Dave slept through most of it. Lesley talked about the work being done by Lenham Archaeology group in the area. She had a white box in tow. We wondered what a “1A pot” was when we saw it. Was it her collection labelling system? It turned out that it said “IA pot” for Iron Age!! Ah, that makes more sense. We escaped before they started their AGM and adjourned to the Red Lion pub. They had Early Bird on so it had to be done.
Tuesday 8th March 2011 - Pancake Day
At lunch time today, I went to Tesco as I needed something quick to cook for dinner for 4 of us and some ingredients to make pancakes. I didn't have any plain flour. I also bought some 10p packs of batter mix for use in future use. I got fresh pizzas for dinner as frozen ones would have defrosted before I got home. Kat said it wasn't right to have pizza and pancakes! We all had a couple of pancakes each on rotation.
Our Tuesday night viewing this evening was another episode of Heroes. It seems we've been watching it for ever.
Later this evening, I watched another Time Team episode. It was a really early one from 1994, the 3rd episode of the first series. Tony has hair! They were in Much Wenlock. I had to rewind when I noticed they mentioned “The Shit Brook”. I thought I was imagining it. Apparently a brook ran down the road and was called “shit” brook because it was effectively the town's open sewer!
Our Tuesday night viewing this evening was another episode of Heroes. It seems we've been watching it for ever.
Later this evening, I watched another Time Team episode. It was a really early one from 1994, the 3rd episode of the first series. Tony has hair! They were in Much Wenlock. I had to rewind when I noticed they mentioned “The Shit Brook”. I thought I was imagining it. Apparently a brook ran down the road and was called “shit” brook because it was effectively the town's open sewer!
Monday 7th March 2011

I got a letter today from the Parking Services Department of Ashford Borough Council regarding the Penalty Charge Notice. I was impressed that they have replied within 2 weeks and more importantly that they have cancelled it. The photos taken of my car do not show the differences in the new yellow lines and the very faded ones. I didn't need to send them the photo that I took. The letter ends with, basically, don't do it again as I won't be so lucky to have it cancelled. Still hate traffic wardens!
This evening I called Julie to ask if Mum and Dad were OK as I haven't been able to get hold of them for a few days. It's OK, they are safe. I found out who the 3rd broken person is. It's Stephen, my nephew, he broke bones in his hand last Thursday and has been to East Grinstead today to get it pinned together. Sounds painful. I think I can now stop worrying about who the 3rd person was but I now also know two people who have broken their toes. As long as there's not a 3rd person out there with a foot injury?
At our Partylite Unit Training meeting, we waited ages for a new consultant to arrive and then she claimed she had broken down. Everyone was dubious as to whether she had even bothered to set out. So we started the meeting late with just the 5 of us. From now, the plan is not to have Unit Training meetings but to have special meetings by invitation tailored to consultant's needs. Sounds good. It will also mean that I won't miss as many bowling evenings as originally planned.
Sunday 6th March 2011 - Walk in Hythe
I couldn't believe this morning that I woke up about 11.30. It's just as well I woke when I did as I was having one of my weird dreams again. This time the only thing I remember is being a police woman and being about to arrest my mum as she had lots of bombs and arms that she was taking to be disposed off! Very strange! Wonder if that was the effect of the Tizer or the Whittards tea?

It was soon one o'clock and time to set off to Hythe. Based on the last walk that we went on, we wanted to get there early so that we could park easily. Dave had a few minutes snooze in the car before we went for a little stroll on our own, then had a look in the shop of the light railway. We were the first ones to arrive and Mark introduced himself. He then rounded up others that were loitering by the railway shop. Only 16 people today, including Heather, Andy and Mikey, (and two dogs) today. We set off towards Palmarsh. Mark pointed out various birds and points of interest. I have trouble remembering things but I do now know that if a bird makes a noise that sounds like “teacher teacher teacher”, this is a Great Tit. We also saw robins, a chaffinch and lots of the usual gulls and pigeons, etc. At Palmarsh, 2 miles later, we crossed the bridge, checking that it was the expected 20 metres across. This was to be the planned width of all of it, and 3 metres deep. Just across the bridge, there is a small sound mirror. There was also one up on the hill that we could see and one that had fallen away.
Tonight I watched the recently recorded Hawaii Five-O. I'm quite enjoying the series. Tonight's episode introduced a new character. Masi Oka, Hiro from Heroes, is playing Dr Max Bergman in a few episodes. I've also watched Bones: The Doctor in the Photo. The night watchman, Micah Leggat, was Mathesar in Galaxy Quest, which we only watched last night. I thought he looked familiar, maybe from Star Trek, but couldn't quite place him. Love IMDB! Great for sorting out my questions. His name is Enrico Calantoni.
It was soon one o'clock and time to set off to Hythe. Based on the last walk that we went on, we wanted to get there early so that we could park easily. Dave had a few minutes snooze in the car before we went for a little stroll on our own, then had a look in the shop of the light railway. We were the first ones to arrive and Mark introduced himself. He then rounded up others that were loitering by the railway shop. Only 16 people today, including Heather, Andy and Mikey, (and two dogs) today. We set off towards Palmarsh. Mark pointed out various birds and points of interest. I have trouble remembering things but I do now know that if a bird makes a noise that sounds like “teacher teacher teacher”, this is a Great Tit. We also saw robins, a chaffinch and lots of the usual gulls and pigeons, etc. At Palmarsh, 2 miles later, we crossed the bridge, checking that it was the expected 20 metres across. This was to be the planned width of all of it, and 3 metres deep. Just across the bridge, there is a small sound mirror. There was also one up on the hill that we could see and one that had fallen away.
Tonight I watched the recently recorded Hawaii Five-O. I'm quite enjoying the series. Tonight's episode introduced a new character. Masi Oka, Hiro from Heroes, is playing Dr Max Bergman in a few episodes. I've also watched Bones: The Doctor in the Photo. The night watchman, Micah Leggat, was Mathesar in Galaxy Quest, which we only watched last night. I thought he looked familiar, maybe from Star Trek, but couldn't quite place him. Love IMDB! Great for sorting out my questions. His name is Enrico Calantoni.
Saturday 5th March 2011
Dave had gone to work already by the time I woke up. I found another Time Team episode that I hadn't seen to watch with breakfast. Picked Dan up about 10. Having got him safe home, he got settled on the sofa and we watched a couple of Michael McIntyre's shows while I cleared the table up and got some Partylite bits sorted out. Dan insisted on hobbling up the shop to get some french bread for lunch. I got the hoovering done while he was out. Dave came home in time for lunch and we had sausage baguettes.
Dan soon fell asleep after lunch. Dave and I went to Folkestone. If I had realised there would be walking involved then I would not have worn my boots. My feet ached by the time we go to the Guildhall. The beer was OK but I definitely prefer a dark brew. It was surprisingly busy. From here we went up to Chambers. No dark beers on here either. We went back via Tesco Express so that I could get something quick to cook for dinner when we got home. Meatballs and spaghetti are always a quick option.
At Chris's tonight we watched Galaxy Quest and Lost in Space. Both great films that we hadn't seen for a while.
Dan soon fell asleep after lunch. Dave and I went to Folkestone. If I had realised there would be walking involved then I would not have worn my boots. My feet ached by the time we go to the Guildhall. The beer was OK but I definitely prefer a dark brew. It was surprisingly busy. From here we went up to Chambers. No dark beers on here either. We went back via Tesco Express so that I could get something quick to cook for dinner when we got home. Meatballs and spaghetti are always a quick option.
At Chris's tonight we watched Galaxy Quest and Lost in Space. Both great films that we hadn't seen for a while.
Friday 4th March 2011 - Dobbies, injury and upgrades
Today was Dobbie's Garden Centre official opening day so Christine and I decided to walk down there during our lunch break. We were so glad we walked as it was extremely busy. Their car park was full and the neighbouring car parks were being used. I wonder if this was pre-arranged with Beefeater and Travelodge? The shop looks great. I didn't get as far as the pet departments as this is not Christine's thing so I will have to drag Dave over there sometime soon. I got to look at the girly things. Mostly it is similar stuff to Bybrook. Christine said that she thinks they will do well and it could be the death of Bybrook. We'll see. Bybrook were petitioning against it being built. I can see why they were concerned.
On the way back, I got some bad news from Dave. I always feel ill when he says Dan's ok but … This time he was sitting in A&E having dropped something very heavy on his foot. He got x-rayed eventually and he has two breaks in his ankle. Poor baby. I've not seen him yet, only Dave's photo. It's was looking very colourful already and I think it will be turning some very pretty purples over the next few days.
This afternoon, I was invited to the Microsoft Dynamics AX Kick Off meeting. This will be our replacement for our current CRM and accounting system. The plan is to get all company's over to the one platform, starting with the main offices in Canada, then we are 2nd. My manager, who was heading up the meeting, is due to go to Canada for meetings later this month and needs input from key users of the current system. She is an accountant first and foremost and needs to be able to make sure that we all get what we want to keep the business running smoothly. Having been to the first meeting I'm feeling a bit more keen on the change but not a lot. Why change something that is working for us! It is going to be a long road to the change and we don't see it happening in the next year. We've used the current system for 12 years now. I helped with that change over and the upgrade several years ago too. It was a lot of work on both occasions.

This afternoon, I was invited to the Microsoft Dynamics AX Kick Off meeting. This will be our replacement for our current CRM and accounting system. The plan is to get all company's over to the one platform, starting with the main offices in Canada, then we are 2nd. My manager, who was heading up the meeting, is due to go to Canada for meetings later this month and needs input from key users of the current system. She is an accountant first and foremost and needs to be able to make sure that we all get what we want to keep the business running smoothly. Having been to the first meeting I'm feeling a bit more keen on the change but not a lot. Why change something that is working for us! It is going to be a long road to the change and we don't see it happening in the next year. We've used the current system for 12 years now. I helped with that change over and the upgrade several years ago too. It was a lot of work on both occasions.
Thursday 3rd March 2011

Wednesday 2nd March 2011

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