It seemed strange today sitting at my desk looking out at green fields again rather than white ones. The snow has all gone now apart from a few places where it had been piled up at the side of the paths/roads.
I had an interesting email today from Nokia:
“We are happy to inform you that your email address have emerged winner of
500,00.00 POUNDS in the NOKIA PROMOTION PROGRAM 2010.” Yeah, right!! I received 3 copies of the same message and it went straight to my “Spam” email folder so I knew straight away it was to be ignored.
We had to be at the bowling centre early this evening for our AGM. Thankfully Bruce has taken on a more active role with the secretarial side of things now. He prepared the Agenda and the Treasurer Reports. I just have to make sense of the notes I took and put the minutes together. One of the main points of discussion was to change from a “trophy” league to a “cash prize” league. As most of us already have a shelf or two full of them, unless they have already been boxed and sent to the attic, it was a unanimous decision to make the change. We lost 6-2 but still maintain our place in second, but as we were playing the top team, it just made it more difficult for us to overtake them. I think they have to lose 8-0 next week and we should win 8-0 as we are playing the “spare” team. We just need to make sure that we get 320 on each game, with handicap. Watch this space!!
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