Trying to get ready to escape to Hastings, I was delayed by a call from Facts International. If I had known how long it was going to take, I would have asked him to call back. I was later than planned anyway. I got down to Westfield about 12.30. Time for a cup of tea before going to the hall to set up for the pound sale. There was so much to do to set up by 2. Aimee was looking after the book stall, and there were about 4 tables full. The bric a brac, otherwise known as “tat”, was interesting varying from stuff that was fit for the bin, a big tiger that was flattened and torn, two beautiful big vases that were Nan's. After such a lot of hard work that went into the day, it was a shame that there wasn't a better turn out. There was so much left over, that is, most of it. There were only about half a dozen customers. The first lady through the door, took home some great bargains. She got a side table, the big vases, the horrible tiger, a puma type ornament, and some other stuff. Shah and Lloyd both had their legs waxed for the charity. They had raised £200in sponsors for this. For someone who has lots of tattoos, he did make quite a fuss about being waxed. Not that I've tried waxing so I can't really comment. Towards the end of the afternoon, we boxed the decent books from the rubbish and had a sort out of the clothes. Siobhan is going to do a boot fair tomorrow to get rid of some more of it. After all the advertising/leaflet drops that had been done, there should have been a better turn out. It was such a brilliant idea. Apparently there was a jumble sale at the hall a few weeks ago and they were queuing outside the door waiting for opening time. I picked up some bargains - a leather coat, 6 plates, some books for Emily, more books for me (like I needed some more), a frying pan for camping and a tupperware jug.
The charity sale was in aid of Shah's trip, the Balarus Improvement Project 2010. This has been delayed now until 4th June so there is still chance to show your support. You can use the following link for this and to see more info:
When we had packed up and cleared the hall, I went back to Dad's house for a while. Marian and I watched TV for a while when Dad got a call out for “Grandad's taxi”. Their cat, Jacko, is a funny little thing. He runs away when you go near him but then tries to swipe you through the stairs. We went over to Siobhan's house about 8 o'clock when the currys had been delivered. My chicken korma was lovely. There wasn't much left. Everyone enjoyed what they had.
I left there soon after dinner, and headed for Chris's via home. They had already watched the first film and were waiting for me for the second one as I wanted to see it – Sherlock Holmes. It wasn't as good as I thought and the story was weird, not as expected. I wouldn't have imagined Sherlock acting like that but I've not read the story.
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