When we got up the boys had gone fishing and the acquired sign had disappeared back from where it came. Hopefully it wasn't missed. We had a quiet morning recovering from the night before.
We went for our Sunday visit to Lidl's and then on to the pond where the boys had been fishing earlier. I'd not been there before and we stopped off there while we were out for a drive. I scoffed a few blackberries on the way. We had a walk around the pond and Dave told me all about how it had been cleaned up and what might be a good idea to make it better for fishing. Making sure the herons don't come back might be a good idea to make the fishing better!

We went from there on to Orleston Woods for a walk. It's not very big to walk around, not like Kings Wood, but it is good for a short stroll. Last time we went we saw lots of butterflies. This time we found lizards. They were quite well camouflaged on a log. It would have been so easy to miss them. They didn't seem to bothered about us watching them as long as we didn't get too close.
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