Kat wanted to be on the platform for the 8.30 train this morning. I sailed to work after getting her there, and got there early. Shame my boss wasn't there to notice! She had an appointment with the “mouse” man apparently. Other colleagues had problems getting to work. There were tales of an hour and a half from Folkestone and over half an hour for a journey that usually takes 10 minutes. Poor Kat. Her train was even worse. There was a fatality on the tracks at Petts Wood and she was stuck on the train for over 3 hours. Over 4 hours after she left me, she arrived at her destination.

This evening I called in to see Belinda to drop off her catalogues, etc for her party next week. Both her daughters were there and the 3 grand children. I forgot how noisy 3 children can be. Any longer there and I might have ended up with a headache. It was good to catch up with Belinda though.
When I got home I cooked a pasta bake. Once I'd started it and it was in the oven, I realised that I was out of cheese. As an alternative, I put a pack of bacon on the top at the half way through stage instead of the cheese. It worked quite well. I will definitely do this again.
We watched a Time Team Special, the Real Vikings. It was mainly based on a dig in York where they are finding evidence that the Vikings weren't all bad. They lived for many years peacefully trading with all countries.
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