Friday 6th August 2010 – Off to Harrogate

I was up at 20 past 8 and rushed off for a “potty emergency”. When I got back, I had a cup of tea and then made some coffee, the best way to make a slow start to the day. We had melon for starters and it was soon time to cook breakfast. After breakfast, I had to get ready to go. I then realised that I had lost my phone. Panic set in when I remembered the last time that I remembered having it was in the toilets. So I rushed there and no phone. Searched my bag and everywhere I could think of. I was fast running out of time. Then it was found by José in the pocket of the jumper I forgot I was wearing earlier. Panic over!

We got to Bethan's at 11 after the sat nav had taken us on a detour through Maidstone. Once we found out where Bethan's was, it would have been quicker to go down the motorway to the next junction than fight our way through the town. We set off by 11.30 and met every traffic jam possible. It took over an hour to get through the Dartford Tunnel so we had to make a stop at the Thurrock services, and at another one on the way. Well, we did have Sam with us who is 6+ months pregnant. We ate in the car to make up time. As there was an accident on the MI, Karen took charge with the road atlas and we ignored the sat nav and took the scenic route across country and through Loughborough. It took about 7 hours to get to Harrogate so it was officially a nightmare journey. When we set out, I think we were expecting 5 hours at the most.

Once we had booked in, unpacked and changed, we met up with the girls to go and find somewhere to eat. We found an Italian restaurant not far from the hotel. The waiters invited us in to look at the menu properly when they spotted us checking the menu outside. The choices looked good and the prices reasonable so we decided to stay. It turned out that there was the Partylite management team there already as well as another large Partylite group. It was a great evening, the waiters were funny, the food was good. I had a lasagne. Sandra (the Managing Director) came round to see us a few times, each time introducing us to another member of the management team as her boyfriend and her fiancé, and then her finally her husband. On the way back to the hotel, we called into the Tesco Express for wine and snacks. Later we had a small pyjama party in our room.

Thursday 5th August 2010 – Off to Teston

I managed to get packed and round for Tony about 11 o'clock. We stopped at the Tesco Express near Maidstone Hospital to get lunch for everyone and anything else we may have forgotten. We were soon at Teston unpacked and ready to enjoy the afternoon. Over the afternoon, more friends and family arrived. The main excitement was when Dick's kite got stuck in the tree. It took 4 of us to shift it but with a bit of team work eventually it was free with no damage to the kite. As I was disappearing for most of the weekend, it was my turn to cook. Dinner was soon sorted and we enjoyed the evening celebrating birthdays again. When it was getting dark some of us went for a walk. We watched a couple of fishermen down at the lock. One of them caught quite a big fish. We also saw some glow worms.

2nd August 2010 - Happy birthday to me!

I was woken with a cup of tea in bed which probably only happens once a year. I opened my cards and pressies before Dave went off to work. Dave bought me a lovely penguin kite which is as big as our duvet. I love penguins. It was a bit tricky to wrestle it back into the bag, especially when being half asleep still. Off to work, business as usual. I didn't take cakes in today, firstly as I didn't really have time to go and get them and secondly I knew that a colleague had also had a birthday over the weekend and would be taking cakes in today. He remembered and wished me happy birthday but he was one of the very few that did. Even my closest friends forgot!

At bowling this evening, Jim and Frances bought me a birthday drink making it special with a little cocktail umbrella. I think they also arranged the balloon too.

Sunday 1st August - Oh my poor head!

We got up feeling fragile and were creeping around the house and garden thinking that Matt was still asleep in Kat's room. It was some time later that Matt phoned us from Hastings to thank us for a lovely time and to Dan for running him back home. We continued with the clearing. There were bottles everywhere. It seemed to take all morning to clear up but I was supposed to be elsewhere. Needless to say I was late! I took my candles and stuff to the Singleton Environment Centre for their Craft Day. As usual I spent more than I'd sold which was nothing again, and no firm leads. It was extremely quiet. I spent a lot of time chatting to Emma. I was also interested in possibly starting up Phoenix cards but the starting fee made me think twice. That's the joy of Partylite with it being free to be a consultant. I do love the Phoenix cards though and I stocked up those that I needed more urgently.

In the evening, instead of going bowling, Dave and I watched the Avatar film. I like it but I think a lot of the special effects really lend themselves to the 3D market and if could be removed for the standard viewing.

Saturday 31st July 2010 – Party Time

We were up early so that we could get everything prepared for the party, the large umbrella arrived and the garden was set up in readiness for our visitors. The family were first to arrive. In total there were 39 of us, but not all at the same time. The oldest being Mum who came over with Nicky and Matt and the youngest being Michael with Heather and Andy. Paul travelled the furthest and got stuck in cooking on the BBQ doing such a wonderful job. It was great to see each and everyone and I believe a great time was had by all. Many of us drank too much. Dan and his mates took Matt up the pub and introduced him to cubans. Oh dear. Good thing Matt was staying over. Thank you to all who came to share my birthday and for the lovely cards and presents. To those that couldn't join us this year, maybe next time.