We were up and out early for a Sunday. We were off to the Batfarm and Lance the lamb gets fed about 10 am and I wanted to do it before we went shopping for ducks. He was older than I expected and after he had hungrily drunk all his bottle before the trough was filled, he then went to eat with the others. Sheep are funny creatures. Some are inquisitive but most of the time they are very scared and timid. I did get to stroke a couple of them. They are more amiable at feeding time.
We went in the Landrover to the duck farm. When we pulled into the place, I didn't think we were there already. We were met at an old gate by the owner and taken through a car graveyard and through another gate into a beautiful area with lots of ponds and bird cages. The ducks that had been pre-ordered were already in a large cage and just had to be captured from there. They were put into carry cages and I helped carry one of them back to the Landrover. While we were switching the cages over and re-assembling the big cage, the others were catching 3 more birds that Clive had now decided on. When we got back to the farm, I carried one of them up to the pond. He/she definitely was not keen on being in the cage. Once up the pond, they were released and we watched them for a little while to see how they fitted in with the others. Mr Waggles was quite keen to be introduced to a new lady friend. Then on with the main job of the day which was to help with cleaning out the duck houses. Luckily no one had to get wet today. Richard cooked us a lovely dinner as Pru hadn't been feeling well, but she still managed to cook us an apple crumble for dessert.
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