This morning I was in a deep sleep, when I was woken by Dave wanting to be driven to the hospital. He'd had a very bad night and could hardly move. I helped him dress and then helped him into the car. Dropping him off at the door of A&E, I went to park the car. When I got to the waiting room, he was already being seen. No suppository, Dave... I will remind you of that one day!! And just for the record, can you have an injection in the bum by only taking the waistband down about 2 inches?? After the initial treatment, we were left waiting for ages wondering if the nurse really did say that we had to wait for the doctor or if we'd been forgotten about. Dave was feeling a bit sick but that passed after a while without having to use the lovely kidney shaped cardboard bowl, luckily as it didn't look up to the job! I was supposed to be driving off to Essex early today for a Partylite training morning but I'm glad I didn't go as I was so tired after breakfast that I fell asleep on the sofa for 2 hours. If I wasn't going on my own, I would have pushed myself to get there and I would have had company to make sure that I didn't fall asleep while driving or snore during the meeting!

As it is Bryan's birthday, we met up with the birthday boy and friends at the Gillingham Ice Bowl for a two hour session of skating. After a lot of messing about getting in and their silly queuing system, we got in before 6. I was a bit nervous about getting on the ice as it's been over 20 years since I've done it. I thought it would be more similar to roller blading but the point of balance is different. I soon got used to it and at the end was doing laps in a minute. I managed to not fall over. I over balanced a few times but this was when I either saw someone fall or someone got into "my space". The "my space" thing is a rule I like when roller blading too. I'm fine as long as no one gets close. At the ice rink there were all ranges of skaters from the shufflers through those like me that "go forward" to those that could be training for the Olympics. I was impressed at how good Harry and Leah were on the ice. They were both straight off and away, and I think it was only their second time.
Once everyone was delivered safely home... after a slightly scary experience on the roundabout in Gillingham.... I went round to Chris's to join the boys for the last 2nd film. As I wasn't there, they'd watched a more violent film first, Gamers, and 2nd film was G I Joe. It wasn't one that I'd wanted to watch so I was pleased that it was better than I expected.