Another fairly lazy Sunday morning. I tried again but I still can't shift that rusted wing nut. It's the only thing stopping me from getting that job done. I'll add some more WD40 to it and keep soaking it. Maybe it will budge one day. It seems silly to have to get someone in to do the job just for one stupid nut. If it can't be shifted, we might have to consider sawing it off and replacing the whole cistern, if that's possible. This afternoon we went to Lidl and browsed through their tat. We found a replacement shower hose for £4.99 and as ours was showing signs of wear we decided to get it. Along with our other shopping, we also got 3 bottles of Blossom Hill wine for £9.99. Then we went round to Heather and Andy's for coffee and to look through the books that Heather was getting rid of. I took 19 books away with me, and Dave found one that he'd been looking for. Thank you again, Heather. :) I even managed to clear space to put them away when I got home. I now have a large collection of what is probably classified as “chick lit” so if that's what you like too and you need a read, just ask. Whilst sorting them I found that I had a duplicate in paperback and hardback so the paperback is going.
At bowling we had our match tonight as the team that we were playing against are busy tomorrow night. Surprisingly we won 8 – 0 which was unexpected as they are the top team and we usually lose when we play them. Apparently there was a lot of oil on the lanes. When we usually practice on a Sunday, we don't have the lanes oiled for us. I'm not sure who requested it but I think it possibly helped us have the advantage. Richard got 199 on his first game and I got 182 on the last game. Now we just have to wait until tomorrow night to see how this win has helped our position.
I have now watched the latest episodes of Lost and Bones. Lost? Yes, I'm still lost and confused. Bones was good. It was titled “The Proof in the Pudding” about a classified case with about a famous Presidential assassination. The Sky+ is getting full again. It's a good thing that we can store more on it now but it's more than ¾ full. I'm saving the episodes of Lost to watch again and put on disk, as well as Fringe. I also found out today that Flash Forward is back on tomorrow night so that has been set to record too.
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