It snowed again over night so I thought it would be as easy as it was yesterday to clear the car windows. Unfortunately not.... there was a thick layer of ice under the inch of snow. It took 20 minutes to clear the windows to a state where I could see. I can't see why people rave over the de-icer sprays. The car was parked further down the road so I thought I would give it a go. It was hard work and slow to melt it. It would have been quicker for me to walk back home and get a bottle of warm water. I will only use it again if I have no option.
I got to work safely, only slipping once while driving. During the morning, I spotted two foxes over the fields that looked like they were playing in the snow. They were probably trying to find food. It might be their daily route but usually we don't notice them. Snow is no camouflage when you are a brown beast. More suited to polar bears. There was more snow mid morning. It was that bad that we lost sight of the trees and fields across the road for a while. I took a few photos as I had my proper camera with me. Good thing I didn't need to try to get to Watford. One of our friends took 4 hours to get to Maidstone as the motorway was closed due to an accident. Once he finally got there, he was told that he could go home again as they were closing the office.
I cooked chilli con carne tonight, without the kidney beans, and poured it over toasted sliced french bread. It made a change from the usual rice or jacket potato. I managed to make a mess whilst eating and spill it down my sleeve of my favourite white jumper. Hopefully it will wash out.
I tried a new cocktail tonight. Tea Toddy. Kat wasn't impressed. 1 measure of Cointreau and 4 measures of black tea, topped with a slice of orange. I would have it again but it wouldn't be my first choice. I fancied a hot alcoholic drink and Cointreau seemed to be about all we had other than red wine!
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