I got to fly my new kite today. It was a birthday present from Dave from a couple of years ago. We'd almost given up hope of seeing it. Glad I've got it though. It's really cool. I've wanted one for ages, since I flew one of the BKF ones. It is a blue spirit kite. We will need to get a reel of line that I can keep with it in the bag. It needed tweaking a bit but is sorted now and I love it.
We had a girly shopping trip mostly get chicken and stuff for dinner in the evening. There were 16 to cook for. Lisa was in charge and we were having chicken stir fry and noodles.
Jose, Maria and the boys came over for the afternoon. Us girls were chatting down by the lock and enjoying watching the boats coming through and decided that we'd like to do a girly cruise, seeing as our men wouldn't be interested. Maybe one day, when we can save up.
Sam, Chippy and Emily also joined us for dinner. Emily was loving playing in the park and in the rubber boat. It was like a personal trampoline for her.
Dinner went down well. We had to part cook the chicken and then cook it in batches of 4 with the stir fry. After dinner, Jose returned with Martin and Chris. The adults had a game of twister which was fun. It was soon time to go down to watched the 1812 Overture by the Grumpy Old Gits. They exploded oxy acetylene in balloons to the classic tune. I drank far too much: beer, sloe gin, port, bramble whisky.... and paid for it later.
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